Wanted: more bad guys!
Mario here:
We've got good candidates for our favorite villain contest. However, there are still plenty of baddies out there. To include:
HAL, proving that even computers can be psychopaths.
Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones at his baddest.)
T-1000, played with cold-blooded brilliance by Robert Patrick.
Darth Vader, of course.
And the
Heath Ledger did an awesome, menacing job but...
to me, the nutty and dangerous Jack Nicholson is still tops.
Contest ends midnight, this Wednesday. Remember, Chicago election rules apply; vote early, vote often.
Not quite a real villain. Guess who?Can you believe it? It's
Boy George, real name George O'Dowd, on his way home from prison. O'Dowd was in the can for assaulting and imprisoning Norwegian male prostitute Audon Carlson. O'Dowd's lawyer said it was a sad case of "two drug-crazed idiots."
For the weird news of the week, how about this? When the British police are not busy locking up former Culture Club members, they're developing
bullet proof turbans. What every hero and villain needs.